
Doors Repair

Repair of doors decoration and insulation

  • Door trim Colour Options – a quick way to solve the problem with your door.
  • Repair door – just spend redecorating, reupholstering, set high quality modern insulating materials to your door fully recover lost utilitarian and aesthetic functions.
  • Repair of doors – Entrance door of the apartment, not only apartments, the “face” of any room. But as is known, primarily look at the face and subsequent impression is based on how it looks. That is why, first of all, your door should be well-groomed appearance and technically.
  • Repair of doors – In recent times it has become popular to use the foam as a heat-insulating material of the door.It is practical and comfortable material. The main thing – insulation of doors, sealing gaps. Because cold air is quite a small gap between the door and door frame so that all of your efforts on thermal insulation of the doors were in vain. When insulating a wooden door is made of special insulated from the movie, which will be nailed to the door frame.


+371 27274747